Any brilliant move made in board games like chess or the Chinese game of Go. It refers to the legendary game of Go between an AI, AlphaGo, developed with Google Deep-mind and a legendary South Korean Go player with the title of 9Dan (the highest rank in Go), Lee Sedol.

After losing 3 games in a row to AlphaGo, on move 78 of the fourth game, Lee Sedol made a move that he thought "was the only move that made sense". This move, not only lowered AlphaGo's own prediction of winning from the upper 90% to a measly 45%, but it was the decisive move that won the game for Lee Sedol.

To put into perspective how fucking mental this is, the AI AlphaGo was developed by multiple INCREDIBLY smart computer scientists, TWO entire years in the making and training. This AI has the entire catalogue of previous Go games played and even played against itself to train, cataloguing those games as well. For Lee Sedol, a human, to beat a machine on the tier of AlphaGo is insane to imagine. Even the AI itself was shocked at that move, to the point where it had to teach itself how to resign, with the text "AlphaGo resigns. The result 'W+Resign' was added to the game information." displaying on the screen. THE AI HAD TO LEARN HOW TO RESIGN BECAUSE IT WASN'T FUCKING EXPECTING THAT.
I swear to god, every move that fucking Carlsen guy makes is a move 78, is he even human?
Well he's the has the fancy title of "World Chess Champion" for a reason
Yeah that's true.
by icysandwich April 5, 2021
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A noor move is someone that is a annoying fat f£££ and that they also do weird things and weird places so whenever you see your friend doing something call them a NOOR move
“I just took a shit and ate it

Me : “that’s a noor move right there”
by R2023 January 8, 2023
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A first ass man move is one of great wisdom and self-awareness. This generally refers to moves that are unexpected, spontaneous, and perhaps even outright brilliant.

Origin: While this phrase may be of ambiguous origin, this term, for unexplained reasons, is heavily assosiated with the lord and saviour, Jesus Christ himself.
Boy 1: How did you get rid of that clingy chick that keeps stalking you on social media?
Boy 2: I blocked her.
Boy 1: Wow dude...that's a first ass man move, if you ask me.
by Jimmy's Croissants December 26, 2019
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The almost attractive guy who you would have an interest in, if your standards were lower,who you only start talking to the week before you have to move out of your apartment on the third floor with no elevator. Then you never talk to him again.
Steve: I was talking to Sydney last week and I helped her move and now she won't respond
Teddy: Man you were just her Moving Marv
Steve: What...
by EStalnakerT December 4, 2016
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A move that a typical fellow (or fellowette ;)) of African decent (ie a nigga) would make in any sort of situation in daily life
Man, stealing that purse was a real nigga move.
by MisterRetard June 23, 2019
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A person who is focused on a task or project and making progress despite all criticisms and ill wishes.
You can hate him all you like but Mikel Arteta is a moving train.
by 10eight7 December 27, 2022
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