a girl who has a crush on a boy ask them out on november 12
girl hey so i like you and i wanna be with you
boy wow i mean i do to

girl omg yes (thanks national girl ask out boy day)
by TheMeansMaster October 29, 2021
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Chicagoed out is a term meaning of being drunk, or really really high, even cross faded. Because Chicago is disoriented and ignorant city. It’s an unsafe feeling when chicagoed out feeling like you are Chicago.
Group of friends: Let’s grab beer.
Person: A partner B is already chicagoed out.
by Jo icamp April 12, 2024
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Get all the sperm out of a mans balls
Come over and clean me out tonight
by Me nice shoes December 17, 2016
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When a woman's nipples become erect. When a woman's nipples are hard. When a woman's nipples are visibly erect and or hard through her clothing.
She was definitely "Nippin Out" as Her nipples were obviously seen through her shirt.
by Dr. James Bond May 2, 2018
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When you are high off cat nip, or any cat nip related product.
Dude that cat is nippin' out!
by Nipps Alot June 11, 2011
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Getting special treatment for being a friend or regular.
"My friend runs the bar around the corner, let's go there, they usually only charge me for half of what I drink"

"Damn dude, your loced out"
by Billy gnud October 31, 2018
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