Proposal that causation is a momentum and not a force.

Furthermore that causation is not evenly distributed.
Static-stochastics says that causation is not a force, some correlations are more causative than other correlations, and that causation is actually a momentum
by fightfacilities November 5, 2020
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To describe something that just doesn't exist.
op 2
An area in between space and time that holds the being named SuRReal.
The area consists of nothing but static.
These chips have a flavor that tastes like static nothing.

You've fallen into the static nothing.
by CHAMPAL July 16, 2022
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The stinging sensation you get in your limbs after sleeping on them or not moving them for a long time
Today I woke up with a tv static arm. it wouldn't stop
by Kajmarez August 25, 2023
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A song that sounds really bad and staticky because of the sound card on the computer or the recording device thus making your ears bleed.
Bill: Hey did you hear John's new song?

Damon: Yeah, but I got a static ear bleed because of all the static, he really needs to get a new computer.
by hewhosubmitsdefinitions July 20, 2009
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a literary or dramatic character who undergoes little or no inner change; a character who does not grow or develop.
Tiny Tim is a static character
by Trullman December 16, 2016
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Absolute fuckfest jesus christ dont go near this place they got two dps who never communicate, one who knows math and one who is absolutely retarted. The two british people are the worst however, especially Shion (cringe name) who just says things when we should really do Fire IV instead.

Also they have this white mage who is racist but in a cool way
by rennnie October 28, 2023
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