YES! Property, bitch! Possessive pronoun. MY wife! Mine. If she’s MY wife. She is not anyone else’s wife. She’s mine. Property of me.
Hym “Yes the use of possessive pronoun means she’s mine. You said “I don’t think MY wife is MY property” but the use of possessive pronoun would suggest otherwise. ‘BuT hYm! My WiFe CoUlD sAy ThE sAmE tHiNg AbOuT mE!’ Yeah, no shit, idiot. I guess you’re mutual property. I thought of this response immediately and was going to just leave you to your own devices until I heard a comment that sounds like it pertains to me. ‘Oh, WoW! wHy DiDn’T i ThInK oF tHaT!?’ Because if you have a 145 IQ mine is still 40 points higher than yours and my thoughts are better than everyone’s. Which is why people from all swaths of life use mine and make billions of dollars amongst themselves instead of their own. I am a genius.”
by Hym Iam October 23, 2022
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A magical place at the edge of nowhere where the homies post up and get bozzled.
Ah man remember when we almost blew ourselves up after we threw that propane tank in the fire pit at the property? Good times.
by Curious Creature December 10, 2021
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I’m just making up a definition to send to someone and prove a point. Get fucked random internet people
Justin is weird so Via the distributive property erin is weird for dating Justin
by Enderman May 17, 2019
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It means that when a government body allows a new business to move into an area ,they will often not require the company to pay property taxes for a period of time, often for many years. It's a huge benefit to the government and the business because property tax control limits taxes for some businesses.
by Magnumb,Private Eye September 15, 2022
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"I love property wine ponies"
"Fuck yeah, property wine ponies"
"I'd sell my children for property wine ponies"
by Pumpkin Palace November 16, 2021
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yagi is Angiiee#0001 property on discord

please do not add her
angie you do not own yagi yes i do look on urban dictionary yagi is Angiiee#0001 property
by yagilol January 23, 2022
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