Linguistics joke. There's a fake IPA symbol to go with it, that looks like a pig snout.

It's linguistically correct description of, well, the sound pigs make.
First-year linguistics students can be humiliated by asking them to include nasal-ingressive voiceless velar trill in their presentation of rare and difficult-to-pronounce sounds in the West African languages.
by Stephanie^^ December 9, 2010
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Linguistics joke. There's a fake IPA symbol to go with it, that looks like a pig snout.

It's linguistically correct description of, well, the sound pigs make.
First-year linguistics students can be humiliated by asking them to include nasal-ingressive voiceless velar trill in their presentation of rare and difficult-to-pronounce sounds in the West African languages.
by Stephanie^^ December 7, 2010
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A large quantity of mucus sucked into the mouth from the sinus.....
I could hardly breath till I shucked that nasal oyster....
by djay38 August 31, 2009
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When good kush is stuffed in the nostrils and lit with a lighter simpilar to pipe and then smoked
I'm about to rip this nasal smoke son!
by FLu. April 9, 2017
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Hazel for the nasal. i.e. cocaine
Did you see Carl just came back from the bathroom, he said was partaking some nasal hazel
by jmpart2 October 28, 2022
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Hard, crispy mucas, picked from a nostril.
Check out this nasal bacon I just excavated from my nose.
by G-Mann July 24, 2023
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