A jiffy is a unit of time: 0.0000000000033357 seconds or (3.3357x10^-11) or (3.3357 times 10 to the power of minus 11).

So named for the length it takes for light to travel 1 centimetre in a vaccum.
by Tom Elgie January 30, 2016
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Baltimore slang for a gun , hand gun , any kind of gun
“I got the jiffy stashed round back yo “
by Uptown Champ , BMORE CHAMP November 7, 2023
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American slang term for someone in the deep south who loves peanut butter. Often used as a pejorative.
He always eats peanut butter and banana sandwiches for lunch. Must come from jiffy family.
by TheGr8Baz00 May 30, 2017
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A form of peanut butter that was turned into jif after years of realization that no one will ever call it jiffy again
I have a whole jar of jiffy in my cabinet
by IM GEY February 14, 2018
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An actual measurment of time
Oh man, i wasted a jiffy, runs dead
by OrangeCougarSphere March 19, 2023
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A gay Syrian sandal slapper that wants Russians to anally penetrate him
Jiffy the Syrian sandal slapper was taken by a Putin look alike from behind
by Skunk runner January 17, 2018
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