An eighth grader with a penis around 8" long. He will also have big balls.
Close to hung seventh grader but bigger in proportions.
Kelsey: Have you had sex with Michael?
Alexa: Yea, but he has a small dick.
Kelsey: Ahha thats funny.
Alexa: Try Jordan, he's a hung eighth grader.
Kelsey: I will. {Licks lips}
by :D:DD:DDD May 15, 2007
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Reece’s tend to be revolting horrendous creatures thriving off destruction and homophobia. Reece’s are the scum of the earth. The lowest of the low. Pieces of shit. Who stay close to the radiant energy of amazing people while slowly bringing them down.
No not a new grade 8 boy let’s hope it’s not like Reece the 8th grader again.
by Quackimaduck July 11, 2022
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Pyle 7th graders cant go 20 minutes without getting in fights with each other. The girls are innocent and the guys only want to hu but they all think they're 16 years old. Every Monday they come matching in their new bar mitzvah sweatshirts, and post when its 4:20 on their Snapchat stories. They hang out at football games, Starbucks, and sneak into each others houses.
Pyle Seventh Graders: Yoo its 4:20
Pyle Seventh Grader #2: you tryna put that on snap?
by pylesucks October 11, 2019
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A horny fifth grader is one whole usually humps their pillow all night, or masturbates to themselves. Usually spends the whole recess talking smack about toher people or Cussing and making out.
Kendall: Man, that Charlie is one Horny 5th Grader for Tucker!

Jess: Yeah, I heard at their sleepover they had sex!
by PixelBlix November 13, 2021
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The act of a certain group of youngins' getting a little too comfortable with each other. Each others rear end in particular. Regardless of whatever anyone says, this happening is a fact.
Yeah when i came back from that dance i was like, "ahh sheit. did i just go all casual seventh graders on that guy?"
by Have you checked your pants October 25, 2009
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You're a BFIS 8th grader if..:

1. You complain about almost everything (including 4 questions for homework, seating arrangements, etc)

2. You throw something at least once a day

3. If you're a girl, then you spank guys

4. If you're a boy, you're in for lunch detention with Mr. McKee with 5 other guys at least once a week

5. There's no popluarity contest, but instead, a fashion contest for girls only. (You have so many clothes, you never wear the same clothes until 2 months later)

6. You hate teachers who aren't funny

7. You're either friends with Spanish people (you need to know fluent Spanish/Catalan), Americans (you need to have at least lived in America once and you know a lot of Life Stories), or with the Asians (Straight A's and all you talk about is school and manga)

8. You worship The Calculator and you wail if you're not allowed to use it

9. You wear stuff that is RIGHT on the borderline of the Dress Code

10. You're not afraid to talk about Sex, pornography, menustration, Teenage pregnancy, etc opennly; even to or in front of the teachers.

11. You were trusted to keep a secret but you tell your best friend since you trust him/her. But your best friend tells another friend and...

12. If you're a boy, you enjoy making girls' days worse

13. If you're a girl, you enjoy dissing guys

14. If you're a girl, you think grades is what keeps you alive

15. You have a loud voice

16. You love to hear Childhood stories from teachers

17. You always ask if you can listen to your iPod

18. You own an iPod mini, a camera-color cell phone, a laptop, and/or a digital camera of your own
1. "I'm a proud BFIS 8th grader!"
by BFIS 8th grader March 8, 2006
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