The action of circumcising not just the foreskin, but all the skin on the body. Mainly occurs between married couples when times are tough.
Robert: "Hey is that Tommy?"
Alec: "No, Tommy died from his full body circumcision ritual"
by BigJ2246 March 12, 2018
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Grief or depression from being Circumcised. Most cases relate to sensitivity, either to the lack of sensitivity as a result of the foreskin's removal or to the overabundance of sensitivity due to the lack of a protective layer. Cases of Circumcision Related Grief range from mild to extreme, and side effects include but are not limited to: intrusive thoughts, rage, depression, homicidal ideation, suicidal ideation, homicidal actions, suicidal actions. If you or a loved one are experiencing Circumcision Related Grief, there are several online communities which can provide a much needed support network for like minded and similarly afflicted individuals - know that you are not alone.
Overcome by Circumcision Related Grief, my every waking moment was consumed with thoughts of what was taken from me at birth.
by 32ozSoftDrink January 5, 2020
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The act of when an uncircumcised male from West Virginia is receiving a blowjob from his sister. Then when his sister bites down too hard, therefore biting off his foreskin. Therfore circumcising him.
My sister just had to give me a West Virginia Circumcision. But the blowjob was really good.
by Bry P. June 12, 2016
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When your zipper catches the foreskin of your penis, creating an excruciating pain that can hurt for hours. This usually happens after taking a piss. (As seen in the movie "Something about Mary", featuring Ben Stiller)
Joe: "Awww dude, the other day I gave myself a Ben Stiller Circumcision after takin a piss, it fuckin hurt."

Larry: "Cool story, bro"
by Bolo2k10 December 14, 2010
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on this day (february 15th) you can spend all day looking for someone's address and pull up to their crib and circumcise them and no one can stop you
federico: hey guys i found out today is national circumcision day, how about we circumcise our friend shitical
justin: Ok let's do it
by Federico57 February 15, 2023
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