A person who wears a large hat but possesses no livestock.
Marty still wears his cowboy hat even though rustlers stole his herd. He's got a big hat, no cattle.
by furtim April 10, 2008
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Hardy, quick witted, aggressive. Not a dog for beginning pet owners. Loveable. Will herd your children like cows. Will hear you the first time, but you wouldn't know it. Great at long hikes and being passive agressive. Famous for the "side eye" and "stink eye".
Person A: So I hear you have an Australian Cattle Dog. What's that like?

Person B: I had to apologize to the dog for eating MY lunch or she would have vomited in my shoes...
by SHELLARAYE April 5, 2018
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A girl that will only have anal sex to avoid the possibility of getting pregnant.

This is in reference to China's recent method of importing cattle through Hong Kong (the back door) to avoid regulations that are applicable to importing to mainland China.
I heard Jenny is a real Hong Kong Cattle Buyer so I think my odds of having anal tonight are 100%!

Let's see if we can find a pair of Hong Kong Cattle Buyers at the bar tonight and get our dick's dirty.
by MCIWS January 18, 2011
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When you pay a discount rate for a dry handjob while on a business trip to a rural area. The Quicken Loans Cattle Handle usually occurs in the backseat of a crew cab Chevy 2x4, while the handjobist's father is trying to buy dip in the Love's Gas Station. If timed improperly the Quicken Loans Cattle Handle can have disastrous results, including STI's, Blueballs or a Napoleon Complex.
Man I had to go to Oklahoma on a work trip, The wife made me promise not to do any cheating so all I did was get a couple Quicken Loans Cattle Handles to clear my head.

I got a Quicken Loans Cattle Handle yesterday, but her dad got out of the shell before I could finish.
by Kort's favorite Buttboy January 2, 2018
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when a man is sticking it to a woman and pulls out a cattle prod then he backs off and sticks it up her ass and turns it on at full blast then quickley pulls it out and grabs her and keeps going.
wow hun that okeechobee cattle prod hurt like a bitch
by bitch7489303 July 1, 2009
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Calling out to harass an over weight person.

using demeaning or inappropriate terms.
using crude and offensive language
Often performed for and audience or self amusement.
The act is verbal and not a physical behavior.
The conduct constituting harassment is not always sexual in nature.
"Is it still winter or is your fat ass blocking out the sun?"

The opposite of "cat call"
getting your cattle call on.
Oh hell, are you getting you cattle call on again?!?
by intuitionx2 August 13, 2010
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