Valeria is the most beautiful girl, she’ll treat you right if you treat her right. She’s caring and will check up. She’s the best girlfriend anyone can have.
by Galileav November 25, 2021
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A girl that you'll never have a chance to date because she is just too perfect. She likes to be called Vali, or Vall. Make sure to keep her close, even if you cant get her by your side she'll always be an amazing friend and always look out for you.
Don't forget to almost NEVER take her seriously or it might end up badly.
Person 1: "Man, she's so perfect but i don't think she'll ever like me."
Person 2: "I mean, it IS Valeria
by Im_G January 17, 2021
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A cheerful person who loves hanging with her friends. She is most likely from a Spanish culture. Valeria are some of the best friends, when their friends are confused, she will explain to them kindly what to do. She is some times a savage, but just as a joke. Everyone loves Valeria!
"Ooh! Its Valeria, she is awesome!
by ItsYourGirl_Izzy December 2, 2021
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the thottiest thot of all time. You can get aids just from breathing around her, i suggest to stay at least 50 ft. away from her at all times.
i got aids from breathing around valeria
by niggerchigger February 11, 2019
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Valeria is a very hot sexy person she is also hyperactive. Valeria has a very sexy boyfriend that has a six pack. She does not rely on people but you can vent to her anytime because she will not judge you. Valeria does not deal with Fake people she will cut you off if she feels that you’re being fake. Valeria is also good in bed
Valeria: are you okay you seem down today
Friend:no I just am having a few problems at home

Valeria: you can talk to me about anything whenever
by Sparklebaby.321 November 22, 2021
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Valeria is literally the prettiest girl ever. A greek goddess. She always is smiling and has a great fashion style. She is also a very loyal and kind friend, and she’s very pure.
Do you know Valeria?”
Oh yeah! She’s really pretty.”
by Lila147 November 22, 2021
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She is a great person to be with and if you don’t have a friend called Valeria better get one because she’s that one friend that even if she’s going through something she will be there for you no matter what and when you meet her she’s all shy and stuff but if she gets comfortable enough she will act crazy and stuff but she’s a good influence also when it gets to her dating she will think the worse of herself so you better comfort her and she’s that person that never gets annoyed of you well it depends but mostly never happens
Valeria is goofy and talks negative about herself.
by 0puckles November 23, 2021
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