Slang term for the Northbridge Traffic Tunnel in Perth, Western Australia. Carries the Graham Farmer Freeway, Named after West Australian footballer Graham "Polly" Farmer. Polly Pipe can also refer to black plastic pipe and is a play on words.
Boss: You're late again.

Employee: Sorry, the Polly Pipe was really busy this morning.
by Jay-Dee-2991 February 19, 2018
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Her: I don’t mind if you come in a bit late tomorrow.

Him: you are such an Aunt polly.
by Coffeejohn December 30, 2022
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If you know someone named Pollie, CEASE IMMEDIATELY. pollie thinks you are their/his minion. Pollie will make you worship them/him. Pollie will stop at nothing to make you his/their slave. Escape while you can, or pollie will drag you to hell
"I met this guy called pollie-"
by Therealobama69 June 20, 2021
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