Always calm sorts out problems and is clever.Kodie loves to play with her friends and listen when needed. Kodie is a great friend to everyone who meets her
Kodie is a good friend
by harrypottrt February 2, 2022
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Kodie is the perfect girl. From her beautiful hair to her brown eyes all the way down to the way she walks she is beautiful and completely different. She will make you stare for countless minutes. When kodie talks to you the whole world doesn’t matter and even though you might act like your not listening her beautiful voice is the only thing you can think of. Kodie is smart, beautiful, and heart warming until you piss her off. Trust me when you piss her off the devil in her goes crazy. Kodie is an exact mirror of her zodiac sign so be cautious. Kodie usually doesn’t do well with Aries or Virgos but she is extremely compatible with Taurus and cancers. Get yourself a Kodie and keep her close.
Close Friend: I’m so lucky to be close to kodie

Jealous Guy: Whatever just don’t make her mad
by Yuurrr12 July 21, 2022
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A roblox god who somehow gets a girl friend when he is ugly as fu**! He has no life besides playing minecraft and roblox. He Ioves his freinds ex specialty timmy. His friend Alex Meitkaaaaaa loves banging his cat🙀🙀
Kodie has no life
by JewishLewishTheElNegro November 27, 2018
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Any shared dessert served with more than two spoons. When restaurant food is shared by so many people the food becomes unpalatable. Named after Kody Brown of TLC Sister Wives
"There's nothing but hot fudge and backwash in that bowl, looks like you ordered the Kody Brownie sundae"
"Yeah you guys can keep your Kody Brownies and the seven spoons in the whipped cream, I'll just have coffee."
"Oh nasty, there's lipstick on the coffee cake...who ordered the Kody Brownies?"
by MacDonaldson September 29, 2020
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When your name is Kody and you sit on your butt in an empty tub, take 2 cups of imigrant throw-up, and jerk off with it. Then when you finish. Mix it with the puke and put it in a squeeze bottle and leave it on the condiments table at Moe's.
Hey Chris, wanna go to Moe's? I'm starving.

Sure! I love their condiments.. the Kody tub cream is yummy!!
by Tub rub December 13, 2021
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The most fittest person out there he’s so amazing he’s just the best love him so much
Oh my god! Kody caravan <3 is so fit !!!
by broookerobertson April 1, 2022
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