Sometimes girl's are gold diggers for money but most pf them are kind and loving but you know what kind of world we live in😃 but some guys think that gold diggers are cute they are not
Person 1:That my Girlfriend over there
Person 2: she's pretty
Person 1: Ikr
by nicky ricky and dawn January 27, 2022
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something you dont have
guy 1: where is my girlfriend?
by yourlocalchildmuncher October 10, 2022
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People that steal your hoddies and has bad blood and It bleeds every moth for a week straight and still survives
Wait... now she's my girlfriend SHE HAS MY HODDIE
by September 16, 2019
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Something most of you on here, can't get.
You: Hey, have you heard that Garrett got a girlfriend?

Friend: Oh really? I heard he was on Urban Dictionary a lot.
by imlegallyblind July 10, 2021
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