Someone who’s parents weren’t married when they were born or aren’t married.
I’m a bastard my parents got married when I was 5.
by Invader zim fan ;-; November 29, 2020
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This can mean that someone is unfortunate, a person is a straight-up bitch and mean as fuck, or if a person was born to parents that weren't married.
1. Tom: Hey, idiot! Haha, you look like a fucking bitch!
Jimmy: Shut the fuck up and stop being a motherfucking bastard!

2. Laura: I'm so unfortunate... I fail everything...
Christine: Looks like you're a bastard...
Laura: WHAT??!
Christine: It means you are unfortunate, God you are so sensitive!

3. Micheal: I'm a bastard...
Helen: What do you mean?? You aren't...
Micheal: Oh, I mean't that I was born to parents who weren't married...
Helen: Ohhhh..
by I'mADictionary? October 29, 2022
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A word used to describe Chip from the hit DND podcast Just Roll With It.
"That was a bastardly fart!"

"Chip, you mean nothing to me. You're a disgusting bastard. You suck lol."
by bastardlylen June 4, 2024
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Recent appropriations of the word bastard now affix the term to middle aged white men in primarily rural settings. This new appropriation is inspired by visionary Native American Mothers. This maternal act of appropriation supplants The naughtiest word in the English language. It is very sad that we assign derogatory terms to infants. Making bastard the naughtiest word in the English language will demote thundercunt to the second naughtiest word in the English language.
That bastard in his big stupid truck spends all day driving his fat bastard ass up and down these gravel roads glaring at people. He should shake the Funonions off his trousers and do something productive for once!
by Scrambled legs dance squad December 17, 2021
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Anyone who says it or types it are gay/lesbians/simp
by Imgayiey July 24, 2020
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Tim Hendrix the sorriest Motherfucker who owes everybody money and acts like a little bitch like he knows everything
That chin is a bastard.
by Bigchinhavinass October 12, 2022
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