A pretentious title. Not every small or mid size city wants to become world class, some people still love their city the way it is, and always will, without it having to change or get an image boost from outsiders.
Not every city is meant to become New York, Tokyo, or Chicago, since there are already cities like New York, Tokyo, and Chicago. Not everybody from a smaller city feels like they have to compare themselves to a city like New York, Tokyo, or Chicago by calling their city world class to feel validated. They are already happy to be from where they are from, without an outsider trying to boost up morale even more, or expand on what's already there. They are good with the city the way it is, without it having to change for anybody.
by The Original Agahnim June 23, 2021
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when someone is not tremendously blessed with cake
*a person watches someone attractive walk by, but notices the attractive person has little or no butt*

“That’s an alumni of no-ass class of ‘23.”
by Sarahsmile86 May 22, 2023
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Also C.A.B(n)/(adj)
In the hierarchy of bitches,( i.e. basic bitch, bitch, ugly bitch, dirty bitch, sexy bitch, biacth, class action bitch, bitch queen, bitch of bitches, Hillary Clinton, The Goddess Hera {note, lesbians might include butch}), a Class Action Bitch is near the top tier of overly vindictive, venomous, and down right evil bitches. Replete with a tongue that drips venomous accusations, a permanent bitch face, and a tendency to be followed by an entire order of jabbering White Knights, a Class Action Bitch has the law, the media, and the academics on her side. A single faked tear can unleash her hordes of soldiers ready to defend Muh Lady's honor by taking it out on your ass.

A Class Action Bitch may strike without notice and usually without any mercy whatsoever for any perceived slight or internalized offense. If you must deal with a Class Action Bitch, proceed very cautiously, be sure to have a spare job, and a really good lawyer(s). It wouldn't hurt to study their sacred feminist texts in order to understand what triggers them the most. See everything for more information on what triggers a Class Action Bitch.

Note that a Class Action Bitch does not need to be intelligent, her danger comes from the influence she has with Hwite Knights, or radical feminists in positions of power who can then be used to indirectly damage you.
Murray felt his blood freeze as he felt the cold stare of Susan, the Class Action Bitch, slice through him. That afternoon Murray was fired from his job for what was described as sexual harassment, despite this being his first day and not even speaking to the woman.

"Shh, don't say that man! You see that woman over there? Well she's a real Class Action Bitch! Last week she got a guy fired on his first day for turning on the air conditioner without her consent!"

Laura realized that Kristine was allowing her to use her homework and sit at her table to get with Jeremy, even though Jeremy was Laura's boyfriend, but Laura needed Kristine for the grades, fucking Class Action Bitch!!!

Not giving a damn anymore, George called Lisa a Class Action Bitch C.A.B, knowing full well the grim repercussions that would follow. George we barely knew thee....

Jimmy's mother is such a Class Action Bitch, last week during the soccer game, she went our of her way to disqualify a player on the other team because he looked at Jimmy the wrong way.
by Jiffy Wilakurs May 23, 2018
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Named after Kirito, the protagonist from the anime, "Sword Art Online," a fictional MMORPG that Kirito is trapped in throughout the first season of Sword Art Online.

The class in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game that is usually the first one listed and has the most evenly balanced stats. This class's main weapon will be a sword despite typically being in a world with fucking wizards and shit. Members of the class are seen as the MMORPG world's heroes, valiant and stout in their efforts to save everyone.

Which is why, in almost every single recorded example, this class is boring and plain as fuck. Anyone that picks them will be the most dull person in your party so don't even bother inviting them. It is a world of magic monsters and mach speed jet boosters and you choose to have A FUCKING SWORD? Jesus christ, mate.
xXxTheSupremeGamerxXx: "yeah broseph im a hunter in PSO2"

rationalHumanBeing: "ah dude you're fucking using the kirito class, you absolute beta"
by silenceinthelibrary June 11, 2021
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A utter stunner of a woman normally amazing in every way. Newcastle saying for any lass that is highly thought of and deserves to be treat like a princess. A woman where if she walks in a room everyone stops to admire her beauty
That lass is a world class worldie
by World class worldie December 24, 2017
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A term used to describe progressive, and wealthy urbanites, and other types of people cut from a similar cloth who have no common sense, and whose wealth has sheltered them from having to deal with problems, hardships, and responsibilities that most functional adults learn to deal with from a young age.
The progressives are lining their own pockets to the detriment of the country and it's citizens and running the nation into the ground in the process.

They don't realize because they are upper-class twits.
by November 13, 2020
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