An all female gang consisting of members with different skill sets.
She was in an all female gang called Fox force seven, so that none of the other gang members would suspect she was a rabbit in a den of foxes.
by The Original Agahnim August 26, 2021
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A gang of females with different skill sets.
She was in an all female gang called Fox Force Seven.
by The Original Agahnim August 26, 2021
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Refers to a bombastic loudmouth's blatantly taking credit for an idea or realization that everyone else present at the time knows was thought of by someone else. It originates from the most famous of all the "Uncle Remus" tales --- Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby --- and comes from the infamous (and hilarious) dialogue between the brashly-conceited Brer Fox and the two other animals who were present at the time --- Brer Bear and Bter Rabbit --- whereby anytime a good idea is.suggested, Brer Fox boldly announces that said idea was his own: "I sure am glad that **I** thought of THAT!"
Perhaps the tar-embedded Brer Rabbit could have used another method to avoid his demise at the hands --- er, **paws** --- of his venomous-hearted crimson-canine nemesis by insisting on "postponing operations pending litigation", and then suing his savage russet-coated adversary for "Brer Fox plagiarism" when said cocky character braggingly took credit for Brer Rabbit's idea about "flinging him in da briar patch". Plus of course, once they were in court, Brer Rabbit could have also asked the judge to lock up Brer Fox (and possibly Brer Bear, as well, as a conspirator in crime) for his ongoing attempts to eliminate Brer Rabbit, and for his constant threatening and harassment of "a poor helpless harmless fluffy little bunny like me".
by QuacksO September 18, 2019
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The silver fox is a melanistic form of the swamp fox. The Silver Fox is best known for intelligence, agility, loyalty, & unwavering friendships. Historically, silver foxes were among the most valued furbearers.

A common behavior of the Silver Fox is social marking. This behavior is used as a display of dominance, but may also be used to communicate general acceptance. This behavior usually takes place in local watering holes (or Irish Pubs).
Silver foxes exist in seasonally monogamous pairs. Wild silver foxes do not naturally mate exclusively with members of the same coat. Age, food, population density, and mating system (polygyny or monogamy) all affect the overall happiness of the Silver Fox.
by GDTrashPanda January 14, 2018
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Distinguished, Professional, Gentleman in DFW, Texas. Who specializes in Roofing, Storm Restoration, Remodeling and Solar energy applications for Homes and Businesses across the great state of Texas and Beyond. 682-970-5804
I really Need a Silver Fox to Help me with my Families home!!
by SilverFoxDFW July 1, 2018
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When you grab a female's long pussy hair and use them as a handle to eat the pussy like a fox burying themself in a den.
Joe gave her the silver fox last night and she wouldn't stop screaming.
by Moseswaters October 23, 2019
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