TEAM: A popular & successful American Major League Baseball franchise based in New York City.

HISTORY: Won 1/4 of World Series Championships in the 20th century.

CURRENT: In the 21st century, they seem utterly unable to muster together anything competitive in the post-season, despite a dream-team lineup with a salary doubling & tripling the loser teams that beat them.

FANS: The goddamnedest bunch of ugly, smelly, ignorant, knuckle-dragging, wife-beating, booger-eating, sewer-dwelling, all-around general bastards. They incessantly mutter random numbers like 1918 and 26. Responding w/ the number 2004 usually shuts them up. If not, find a nearby stick. You can either beat them with it or throw it and they'll go chase it.
Dude 1: "Dude, like, the Yankees haven't won a World Series in like, 20 years or something. And the Red Sox have won it like, the last 5 times or something."

Dude 2: "Yeah."
by George Steinbrenner 2007 November 9, 2007
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1. all-time winningest franchise in US professional sports and buyers of 27 World Series championships (one was shipped to the wrong address and never returned)
2. an identified crime family centered in New York state
3. (chiefly Bostonian) (considered vulgar) see shit
The Boss "silenced" all investigators who dared search into the affairs of the Yankees.
by Jade December 9, 2003
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The GREATEST BASEBALL TEAM OF ALL TIME!!!!! I think it is funny how people say the Yankees suck, all I have to say is 26 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS and counting. And for the people that say they are just overpaid (mostly red sox fans) take a look at your teams payrole.
Damn the Yankees are the GREATEST baseball of all time.
by Brandon C Alf May 10, 2007
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The Yankees are a baseball team from New York with a fair weather fan base. When Red Sox and Yankees fans get into fights, the latter will often pull out one of these, "Yeah? Well we have 26 titles," or "You guys only have one in the last 86 years."

What both sides often fail to recognize is that the Yankees have set a new record for payroll at 205 million dollars ( that's $205,000,000) The Red Sox payroll is 130 million dollars, which is 75 million dollars less.

This monumental sum of money has given rise to the nickname "the evil empire,"
which can be used in place of the yankees in any context.

Obviously, the difference in titles has a direct correlation with how much cash rich fuckface owner George Steinbrenner pisses away on little shitbags like Alex Rodriguez.

Let's talk about the great A-Rod for a while. Christened "Slappy" after his dirty attempt to cheat in the ALCS, this A-hole will be earning 25.7 million dollars in the 2005 baseball season. Apparently, A-Rod does not care much for the game, he just wants to reach base more often in order to increase his next years salary.

I would also like to point out that Jason Giambi, who will be making 13,428,571 and is a former American League MVP admitted to a grand jury that he had injected himself with steroids. This confession comes in the face of new and tougher steroid screening and after he had previously denied to ever using them.

It should also be noted that the Yankees made history in the 2004 ALCS by becoming the first ever team to lose a series after winning the first three. The Yankees fell to the Red Sox 4-3 after an 0-3 start. This choke gave rise to the nickname the biggest chokers in history .

I would also like to add that Yankees fans are the worst, most fair weather fans in the league. But if you ask them, they would say with their noses stuck high in the air, "Hmph. Well, we have 26 titles. So there!"

At least we Red Sox fans get it.
Fred - "I am from Yugoslavia. I do not need to know anything about baseball to know that the Yankees suck."

Fans from all other teams (Sox, Mets, etc.) - Right on, Fred.
by jar March 23, 2005
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1. In the southern states, the term YANKEE is used to identify someone from a northern state, especially those that happen to be from NY. Some southern folk dislike yankees because they assume that the northerners are rude individuals. I think its just a misunderstanding of cultures.
2. When a New Yorker travels to another state, they may refer to themselves as a "yankee" to let everyone know that they are from the same place as the all time best baseball team in the world (not boston...they suck)
1. "BAMA": Say folk, you talk funny. You ain't from down hurr. You must be a yankee.
"YANKEE": Nah son, I aint from these parts, im from Brooklyn.
by BadBoy81 August 10, 2005
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face it, the red sox fans have something to look forward to every year, each game the fans are on the edge of their seats. now a yankees fan is a boring person who is a fan just for the sake of being a fan. They don't care about the fucking team they are the people who want to be fair and root for the team who is compltely made up of homosexuals (not that there's anything from with that) but honestly let's just narrow it down to the most important facts...look at jeter and then look at johnny damon, LOOK AT THAT HEAD OF HAIR, yeah that's what i thought shut up
by red sox baby October 16, 2004
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You know, I love how when the Yankees are doing well, they all say "HAHA, WE PWNZ TEH RED SUX!!!!!!!" and then when the Red Sox get one up on them, their whole view changes. Suddenly they say "Uhhhhhhhhhh....26!" Sure, some Sox fans take it way too far by saying the 2004 ALCS is the greatest comeback in sports history. I mean, it's been done twice in hockey. Also, the Yankees overcame a 14 game deficit starting in July. That's all I give the Yankees for being good though. The Yankees have bought a lot of players, like or not. Pay roll got up over 220 million dollars and they still couldn't win. Well gee, what happens when you put a bunch of superstars on a team? They all want to be the best and not work together. Does everyone forget the fact that the Yankees were horrible a decade ago? Why does this slip everyone's mind I wonder. Remember, when the Jays are good, the Yankees suck hard. So Yankee fans, stop dissing all Sox fans. Yankee fans and Sox fans are very much alike. They both hate each other, they make ignorant remarks, and it goes on.
Yankees fans should stop being so oblivious.
by Not a dumbass Sox Fan June 22, 2007
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