Like oh my god or oh my gosh but more sarcastic. Puts a slightly humorous or facetious tone into the sentence with which the phrase is used.
Person: I was like "Whoa my gosh, that movie was so neat."
by Zi October 3, 2004
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a new revolutionary genre in music that is bringing back radness and whoa
"have you heard that new song"
"yeah it's rad like whoa"
by Idownloadstufffromtheinternet November 23, 2011
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Origin - Roman
Greeting to any sex male or female.
Usually used in party atmosphere... bar, club, or house
"whoa big guy...where's my beer?"
by Los March 22, 2005
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The phrase one would use upon seeing a very large buttox. The slightly shortened version of "Whoa you got a fat ass".
Mr a "Ooooooh, look at her ass man, its huge!!!!!!"
Mr t "Whoa you got a...".
by Lady Lonely Eyes September 11, 2011
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When you look at a chicken and get confused for a second because it's living meat. But then you look again and it's food.
by chickchickhaha12345678 February 25, 2022
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