A prehistoric - colonial creature, with a transplanted human brain, created by the forces of the universe. It is known to have an insatiable thirst for blood and whiskey. The Raptor Pilgrim is seen in exclusively puritan - garb, bonnets and pilgrim hats mostly. They are in fact the true settlers of Plymouth. Although the many may think this, they literally have nothing to with the holiday of Thanksgiving.
Joe: B quick! Raptor Pilgrim.

B: Are we going to MC'S?

Andrew: Dude, we can't the Raptor pilgrims will steal our whiskey, and drink our blood!

B: Oh snap!
by Andy McDandy November 26, 2011
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Taking “Das Boot” to the face post-Thanksgiving feast and proceeding to puke all over the family dining table.
“Ever since Normandy, Grandpa Wallace has done the pilgrim’s boot at every Thanksgiving dinner.. I think he took i t too far this year after he puked in Grandma Lenora’s ashes.”
by notgrandpawallace November 17, 2017
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One who has performed anal sex on someone for the first time. (First time for the recipient.
Sarah finally let me put it in her {ass}. I'm officially her ass pilgrim
by Pylesdriver February 1, 2017
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A term coined in 2021 describing a mid-thirties firefighter that cums in his toliet at above average volumes. See also, Danal String...
by DixonCash March 6, 2021
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A delicious Thanksgiving dessert, which originated in Florida as a substitute for cannibalism. Though it is advertised as being made from authentic Mayflower pilgrims, it is actually just canned chowder with a fake label.
My family is making turducken, cranberries, and Canned Pilgrims for our Thanksgiving feast.
by DISCOTRON September 1, 2016
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Using the bathroom in an old fashioned manner, specifically without a cellphone, tablet, or other electronic device as a means of entertainment.
"My phone and tablet are both out of batteries, and my gameboy is out of batteries. Time to do some pilgrim squatting."
by I Disch Splitfire March 14, 2016
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The smearing of shit
I took a shit and Spread It down the wall so I am a pilgrim
by Shit Smears August 22, 2019
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