solid waste matter from the bowels.
A more polite way to express this example in Indian languages especially in Indian English dialect would be ‘a pile of dog potty/potty’.
A more polite way would be :The dog did a potty on the lawn.
A more impolite or rather offensive way would be: The dog did a tatti on the lawn.
by Hindi gaali July 3, 2022
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1. A Hindi (Indian language)word for shit.

2. Indian people use this word for scumbag things that are shit

3. Some Indians also spam this word everywhere

This is not a common/popular word for non-Indians

Also, the word ‘KHALE’ in this GIF means ‘eat’
by StinkyShitDoggo#0077 December 29, 2021
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Tatti means Shit in hindi (native language in India)
this is a piece of tatti
by SipherNIx May 6, 2021
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Someone who is an absolute fanny.

Haw look at that tatty rift
Haw look at that tatty rift
by Jospunken December 15, 2014
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