A car whore is a promiscuous female who prostitutes her body in front of cars at carshows for attention that directly relates to guys lusting over her. This whore may even go to the extent of never ever reaching a level that satisfies how much attention she receives. This will commonly lead to buying a piece of shit car, that they will put stickers on and take slutty pictures with, just to have more reason to expose themselves, and attempt to reach the guy car enthusiast on a higher level than just showing their body off at car shows. These will usually never have any education on how cars actually work, or how to fix them, or race cars either. They always want to attend huge car meets because of the huge amount of guys for the opportunity to get to drool over them. They may even go to the extent to create their own car meet so then they are known as the "car girl" that made the event possible. These events usually include a hot body contest that the guys usually tell the car whore she would will anyways. These car whores usually make a bad name for real car enthusiasts who are girls
i need more dudes to show me attention..ill just go buy a car and put stickers on it and go to all the events, then ill be the perfect car model.
by Your trying too hard. January 17, 2011
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Teen models are beautiful girls who are starting glamorous careers while their peers in high school work at the local grocery store. And yet, it's those high-school girls who judge teen models. Often times calling them bitches, when really, they'd kill to be them. When talking to a teen model in NYC she told me it wasn't the industry that caused her to develop anorexia, rather it was the girls at her high school who'd say stuff behind her back "Kristin? She's not even that pretty! How's she a model?" Models often walk with a harsh expression on their faces and everyone put's it down to being a bitch when really, these girls are constantly being derailed for being skinny and pretty! And maybe, the snarl on their face is due to the 5 inch heels they've been told to strut around in. In reality, modeling is hard, you have to have a perfect walk, exact measurements (34-24-34), and then listen to everyone talk about how models are ruining our society. So, teen models are not only very beautiful people, but brave as well; to put up with everything the average person will say about them.

Female Teen Models are often times named Kendal, Karoline, Kristin, or Kylie. It just happens to be a trend i've noticed..
"did you see that hot girl?"
"yeah that's Karoline, the Teen Model!"
by Smileyface1233 December 26, 2012
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n. While the premise of a glamor shot is typically both nonsensical and cinematic, the offbeat model takes this art house film ridiculousness to new heights.

offbeat modeling v. The act of being an offbeat model. Popularized by MySpace angle photos and hipsters.

Examples of offbeat modeling are:
-Wearing a sloppy outfit that just sort of hangs off the body.
-Lifting the arms in awkward positions as if balancing on a tightrope.
-Turning head 340 degrees back and 20 degrees down to gaze at the heel of your shoes.
-Looking very, very lost.
That offbeat model looks like she's been crucified for wearing her Boyfriend's Rugby in a Forbidden Zone.
by offbeat model August 25, 2007
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A model who ran away from home to become a model.
Mr. and Mrs. Klum miss their daughter Heidi ever since she became a runaway model.
by ni2 May 8, 2011
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Site Modeling is also known as modeling online. Site Models will take pictures of themselves and give them to sites so they can edit them and then put it up on their website. You can find Site Models on Myspace and Facebook. If you get to use Shannon Sweezy or Whitney Blaire, then your usually adored by others. Most sites like sitemodels who take mirror pictures and with good quality photos. The better the quality is, the better it will look on the preppy sign.
Site Model
by Sitemodel February 11, 2011
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When normal, everyday attractive girls attempt to compare their good looks to those of airbrushed models and supermodels.
ooooooooh junk! Dat girl be on dat model status.
by Kellygurl859 August 9, 2007
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Runway supermodels who's heads are wider than their bodies, most likely due to starvation diets.
How long do you think those lollipop models have gone without food?
by Chimaera December 7, 2003
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