something bad that happens to kids which makes them swear at a young age, then it sticks with them for their entire life, then they spread it. Horrible
by EA animations April 21, 2021
malz is immortal and has a massive cock ive seen it many times. also his cock is so big that it has to wrap around his leg 14 times. he is also lightskin so he can steal ur girl any day of the week
by Emkayytheplug August 18, 2021
Its When you cannot Die to Age but can die to other things like Getting hit by a car. or being shot. so its not really being Immortal you just cant die to age.
by texan definitons January 2, 2020
Kiara is a chicken which never dies (hence the name). Kiara is a very nice person and fun to hang out. Kiara is related to ucmoses(her dad). (run ,define ucmoses for more)
by ScorpioWyd March 24, 2021
Immortality means you have an infinite amount of years you could spend having sex with whoever you want and when you want. Hell if you really want to you could become a rapist and rape some celebrity
by DaisyDylan August 3, 2018
by 4rrrrrrrrrrrrrr March 5, 2022
Something that will never exist, despite what so many delusional people think, ditto to reincarnation.
by PhoenixGamer34 March 28, 2022