1: An expression used to describe how a specific romantic couple has progressed in their relationship over time
2: A phrase used to refer to how the processes from which people get into romantic relationships and or marriages in a specific culture have changed over time
Quintin: How are you and Denise doing these days?
Winston: We’re doing great. She has gotten comfortable enough with me to start talking to me about her past, some of the problems that have been affecting her family, her religious beliefs, and so on.

Quintin: In terms of your romantic evolution, it sounds like the two of you have gotten really far in your relationship in the past eight months.
Winston: Me and her have definitely made a lot of progress during that time in regards to our romantic relationship.
by Vanguard 1998 June 12, 2021
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Jimbo's Evolution is when you insert yourself inside of a crocodile while watching anime, this will open a black portal taking your house and family, starting a chaos chain of mayhem
Katie, did you hear about Ethan, he accidentally commenced Jimbo's Evolution
by XerØevi December 2, 2019
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The theory that all Asians are different. You may be thinking, "they all look the same", but this could not be more false. Asians look different because of their different geographic locations they have originated from. That is why, if you really pay attention you will be able to see Asians from different areas are all slightly different. These geographic differences account for many things including the different layers in their eyes, making them smaller, it effects their driving capabilities, and accounts for their small genitalia.
Timmy had 3 car accidents, therefore we know his nationality was Philippino. We know this because of the theory of Asian Evolution.
by DrSlettenPHDfromStanford November 3, 2017
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Above us all we see that the stars are a cosmic evolution of something which has yet to be discovered. We as human beings have limited knowledge of what exists inside this planet, let alone what exists beyond it. Sure, man made machines and human intelligence can attempt to make sense of the wonders of the universe. But truly, how much do we know about what exists beyond the dimension we live in? Is there life beyond what we know? Are there species on Earth itself that we have yet to discover? The world is on a constant journey of evolution as are its beings great and small. Even we as humans are continually experiencing evolution within our own being, even though we may not recognize this. To illustrate, when an individual is a child, their knowledge is limited to what they have learnt till that particular age. But as the child develops into a man (which is the evolution of the individual human body itself) life experiences add knowledge to the person's existence and that itself is the evolution of an individual human per one life time. To understand the universe or cosmos, we need to first explore the individual being on several levels, not just the physical. Then only can we understand and appreciate the stars in space and the stars within.
1) the true nature of the evolution of stars is yet to be discovered

2) the star within the human being

3) galactic research is further required but not merely just by scientific means
by st@rG@zer May 29, 2010
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Saffron Stained Gang. The way of life. Prohibitedly evolving. The new world order. The new Supreme. Prohibited Evolution. Oakley Brooks is the gang leader.
Person 1: Dude your not even Prohibited Evolution, get the fuck away from me. You are unconscious.
Person 2: I’m sorry dude.
by SaffronStainedGang69 April 5, 2020
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To evolve from a time in crisis.
Bob was going through heartbreak , so he made an evolutional move and moved on.
by AndrusEra February 13, 2020
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