A long dicked mofo who will fuck ur brains out and steal ur bitch
Oh shit peyton weaver fucked my girl so hard she can't walk
by Jeffy jeffy February 12, 2017
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A large warm comfortable Afghan carefully woven from 70's virgin pubic hairs.
Every night Jenny and I would snuggly up in her Weaver Beaver and spoon.
by Charlie2 November 3, 2007
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A young person who sits at home on a Friday and Saturday night knitting sweaters or blankets.
The "basket weaver" would rather stay home than party with friends.
by fupah August 19, 2009
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Wow, my English teacher James Weaver sure does like watching Pokemon on the projector instead of doing work.
by Javascript's my babe May 30, 2019
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A citizen or someone of the country of Peru. AKA Julio Mendoza
Julio, shut the fuck up you basket weaver. i dont give a damn how hot your hair is!
by Malcolm Malobolabo October 5, 2004
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One whom has extremely good comedic timing. Is an untellingly intelligent person, sometimes bordering on being a nerd. A very loyal friend, and a naturally loving person.
That comedian at the club last night was a total Mr. Weaver!

Dude, stop trying to be a Mr. Weaver, you just can't.
by Sage of the Silent Forest October 29, 2009
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