1. A person who commits robbery at sea.
2. A music/movie thief.
3. The obvious superior to ninjas, robots, and zombies.
Pirates would totally destroy ninjas
by Lorg Skyegon June 25, 2005
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Used to describe a woman with small/non-existent breast, therefore having a sunken chest.
Look at that pirate over there.

A what??!!!!

Her over there, the one with the sunken chest.
by Felchqueen March 3, 2007
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a pirate is man who would sail about on a boat killing rapeing stealing and fuckin shit up for innocent people. pirates have now been seen by most western emos and scene kids as a man who would fight ninjas but they are wrong as a pirate would rape and kill them if they saw them walkdown the street
emo-hey theres a pirate lets go talk to him

scene kid- yeah man, lets

emo and scene kid get took to a boat were they are never seen again.
by joe123345345 July 17, 2009
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A group of people can be nicknamed pirates when considered to be bad ass cunts.
"ohh man... look at those boner-popping pirates. i wish i was them." -reesa
by theresa doan November 22, 2003
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Stated simply as any sexual arousal for a male to the point of ejaculation.
He then ejaculates into the woman's eye upon which she covers her eye with her hand. Immediately following, the male punches her in the stomach. At this point with her hand over her eye she yells, "ARGHHHHHHH"
-Timeline of Events

Male: "Oh baby, Oh baby!"
Male: *Squirt*
Female: "My Eye!"
Male: *Punch*
by Zachry Diehl March 15, 2005
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In Argentina, the word is used to describe the act of picking up women at a bar, especially with reckless abandon for their feelings or any sort of long-term relationship concerns. The term pirate is used to describe such a person.
Adam: You want to trick girls into sleeping with you tonight by buying them drinks and whispering sweet nothings into their ears, and maybe forcing your finger into their vagina on the dance floor?

Chris: Sure, I am up for some pirating tonight.
by Veritas Eruditio December 13, 2006
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person of swashbuckling tendencies.
also a hilarious sexual manoeuvre.
boris: i pirated loads of warez online!
winston: i pirated your mum!
berty: someone's got jokes!
by jeffreyZZ December 30, 2008
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