Pico is a gigachad.

No other human could possibly compare to his power.
by pboca January 26, 2022
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person 1: did you know that pico is originally from newgrounds

person 2: yes
by Aartyyy May 16, 2021
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pico is a person who can rap,sing,love,hate and care. he can sometimes be an asshole and a horny person.
he sometimes have a crazy problem and loves zoom alot. depressed.
pico is rapping with boyfriend
by April 28, 2022
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The main character from a family friendly anime called Boku no Pico, I very much reccomend it.
Person 1: Have you watched Boku no Pico? Pico is the best!
Person 2: Oh yeah! Me and my younger sister watched it yesterday! Pico really is the best tho!
by MikasasWaifu August 30, 2021
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Someone who stay home even tho all his friends are out having fun.
Most of the time the pico will reply with "nhe" or other similar sound
Gabe:"hey man what's up wanna hangout tonight?"
Pasha:"no man I'm tired"
Gabe :" you're such a pico"
by Darthfart August 3, 2021
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