Mendel gets a depressed after seeing horrible server culture happen
Moody mendel is here again, all because Seth told fives to kill himself
by Not Gamaliel September 29, 2022
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A man who thinks he knows everything
My Co worker was trying to tell me the laws of the road way , man he's a real moody 1003.00457. Example number 2 , My Co-worker doesn't think a crane that requires a CDL license is necessary because hes a Moody 1003.00457.
by julio0101 March 26, 2020
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Have you ever been on an INTERNET CALL with other people. Only to discover a moody woman staring down at you.

The eyes watching you, they move. Soon, you realise you've been hypnotised.

This is the Moody Green Woman Painting Slut. Be ware.
Hey, did you have a meeting with the guy and the Moody Green Woman Painting Slut? Fuck me, what is that slut doing look at me, judging me, ruling my dreams. Save me from the Moody Green Woman Painting Slut.
by cheeseslut July 13, 2022
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The 8th dwarf.

Used when referring to someone who acts annoyed with you just for talking.
"Cristian seems really annoyed by everything Erin is doing"

"Yeah, he is real moody."
by Amelia9 September 28, 2023
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Moody is a person who switches there moods very fast.
pablo: your moody today
nikki thicky: Whozers buster
by LeThickChick June 24, 2019
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I narrow minded moron with a small brain capacity and an even smaller penis. Widely regarded as the worst 2k player to ever play and has an incapability of passing the ball to his teammates. Synonyms include Retard, moron and stupid-bitch.
by A-“Moody” March 22, 2020
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when you have a mood that's so relatable you get a comment about it
oh ok that's moody
by silvxrcat's definitions February 23, 2021
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