I love imogen shes such a cute rangaaa
Imogen is so cute
by randomnonnnnnn August 4, 2022
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Imogen is a really awesome person, she has brown hair and blue eyes and is full of surprise. One of the best things about Imogen is that they can make you laugh all day, they are so kind and thoughtful. If you have an Imogen in your life, then you better keep her before she leaves you.
We Have an Imogen in our group!
by jameskrunsker August 3, 2022
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she is a bitch she will hurt you dont trust those midgets there also really annoying
by Amy Clark 101 September 18, 2020
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Someone who is close friends with someone for a long time, eventually ‘gets with them’ and then blocks them out their lives almost immediately after.
She pulled an Imogen and just left!
by @kseddon12 November 12, 2019
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Imogen is a godly saint name that originates from Guatemala. Imogen is usually a girls name but boys can have it as well but it is less common to find a boy Imogen. Imogen's are self-absorbed, humongous liars and always are very suspicious. They won't take no for an answer and most usually prefer academics over sport. Imogen's like to talk in the third person for example:
Imogen: Imogen is hungry give imogen your food.
Friend: no imogen you are too selfish. AND don't talk in the third person, please
See now, if you ever come across an Imogen keep your distance and DO NOT socialize with them. They are CRACKERS.
Stranger to Imogen: Hi, nice to meet you! whats your name?
Stranger: *runs away*
by hezusurno November 22, 2021
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Imogens are sweet, pretty, and popular. They give people black eyes though... Imogens are usually the most popular girls in the school. All the guys like the Imogens.
"Hey, is that Imogen? Oh yeah, it is and she is so hot."
by Dog fleas November 23, 2021
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