If you once meet a Gerald, you have to know he is butterweak all the time and he also has a big problem with heroin. His favourite cigarettes are malbaro light. He is in danger of getting suspended from school because he is always restfett in class. He may scream randomly at you for looking in the air.
Gerald is on HERO.
by jägermeistergerald November 25, 2021
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My daddy. He birthed me from his belly.
I love you Gerald.
by Lon McDean December 21, 2022
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*walks up to a jerry in a suit

Good evening gerald, nice weather we’re having today.”
by Jman8 October 2, 2018
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Gerald is the definition of a fish dick. Gerald doesn’t wash his foreskin and has 5 day old gooey smegma sitting under it. Gerald’s sardine penis stench fills up the car and leaves you gasping for fresh air and contemplating whether to smash through the windows. His breath is the worst and leaves a stench in any room he walks in for atleast 6 days. Gerald wears the same gym clothes three days in a row with ingrained smegma all over his boxers. Gerald is truly the dirtiest boy on the planet.
What is a fish dick?”
by Mary poppina May 5, 2023
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Is a cool, sweet, fun and lovable guy who always seems to be misunderstood. Guys like these are hard to find, because they are great to have around. Also they are the money makers of their family’s. but they have looks like a model
Gerald seem like a cool guy
by The real real nigga November 23, 2021
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A handsome and charming guy, but don’t let that fool you. This guy has little self control and doesn’t really care about anyone’s feelings.
Gerald dated her until he found out she had toe thumbs.
by Qwerty0345 November 23, 2021
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