been the newest person to enter a jail, and all the other innmates are after you
mum: "billy got sent to jail, turns out he had FMS (aka Fresh Meat Syndrome)"
dad: "did he wake up with a bleeding asshole?"

by chickensoup64 May 23, 2006
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When you stay up to 12:00 PM in the next day.

How to preform a 'till the clock says FM:

1. Wake up before 12:00 PM (noon)
2. Consume energy drink of choice. (You will want to do this step. Trust me.)
3. Pull off an all-nighter
4. Stay up 'till 12:00 PM in the next day where sleep deprivation will most likely change PM on clocks to FM and FM on radios to PM.
I pulled off a 'till the clock says FM. It was brutal.

I was super tired when I tried to do the 'till the clock says FM.

I preformed the 'till the clock says FM +12 hours. AM stays AM on clocks.
by James1011R April 3, 2011
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A load of knobs that think they are funny and they can DJ
Have you seen them kurupt FM wankers Bill?
by Bluuuuuur February 12, 2019
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FM's BORG contains the following ingredients: half a cup of water, Popov Vodka, Ronrico Silver Rum, Beefeater Gin, Sauza Gold Tequila, Peach Cisco, pumpkin beer (any brand), cup of moonshine soaked cherries, and a cup of sugar.
FM's BORG (FM stands for freaky man) is like a Long Island Ice Tea in a former water jug. BEWARE! Only make and drink if your tolerance is super high!
by Purplenado March 8, 2023
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A teen online radio, with l lots of viewers and everyone who watches loves it

Its awesome and has lots of stuff to help and makes everything better
Fan1: "OMG i could listen all day2

Fan2: "Yeah its CC FM"

Fan1: "they are epic"
by TheRandomMoustache May 27, 2012
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British army term for issued amplivox ear defence.
Worn when spending hours polishing boots in the corridor to prevent you from talking.
“Sgt, can we play music while doing our kit?”

“Fuck off you gremlin, crow FM

“Anyone got Crow FM? This cunt snores like a dying bear”
by Hexy TV November 5, 2019
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The afternoon presenter on kiss fm here in algarve portugal. Only got the show when Frankie Shanley left after being bullied by the breakfast presenter Simon frater. Coincidentally , spike hammond is Simons best friend and been doing a free show on kiss for 8 years. He got jealous over frankie. No one listens anymore to kiss over them and court is pending. Watch this space and ignore the nonsense they post on social media to distract from whats really going on.
by dianakanturk44 December 3, 2021
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