An afternoon version of Brunch. It is a meal which combines both Lunch and Dinner. It normally occurs in between 4 and 5 in the afternoon. This situation normally forms when you forget to eat lunch but it is too early for dinner, subsequently you decide to have one massive meal to satisfy your nutritional needs for the rest of the day. You cannot have Brunch and Dunch as the lunch part would be repeated i.e. if you have brunch, then a meal at around 4-5, that meal would simply be an early dinner.
"Dunch today was pretty sweet today, I ate a 5 course meal. I Love life."
"Dunch is better than Brunch."
by Bacon is good July 20, 2015
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A male or female individual who frequently partakes in promiscuous, slutty, behavior.
Noun form:
Me: "That chick is a total dunch man, I would be careful..."
Friend: "Are you kidding? Easy pickings! HEYOOOOO!"

Adjective form:
"Wow, Rebecca has been acting pretty dunchy lately. Apparently she got a cleveland steamer from Roger!"
by TheW1tchDoctor October 2, 2011
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a combination meal between lunch and dinner eaten between 3 pm and 6 pm
Dunch is the forth meal of the day.
by Dunchlover May 7, 2013
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A meal eaten when you're too lazy to cook two solid meals so only cook once.
That lazy stokie made dunch today as he forgot to eat till later on
by Ernie Whoopass July 21, 2018
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It is like Dinner and Lunch but opposite
Random Guy talking to his friends: Oh I had Dunch for lunch.
Random Guy Talking to his friend random guy 1: Woah you had Dunch for Lunch I thought it was Linner but okay.
by orion92591 June 24, 2023
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A dirty, crusty, smelly penis hole.
The male version of a "cunt"
I f*cking hate that stupid dunch!
by 6BluePanther September 3, 2010
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