When someone is taking forever to do something. And it seems like your wasting your life waiting for them
John:Dude i gotta take a dump hold on

You: Dude are you almost done "Your Taking My life".
by MiszVicious June 17, 2009
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A verbal threat used to scare someone or to inform someone that you are about to murder them and end their life/existence.
Roy: I will end your life if you keep talking to me.
Steve: did you really just threaten me? By saying your going to end my life??
by ZachLightsUp September 24, 2023
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What lobster parents say when they take a small nip out of their youngsters' tails so that if a lobsterman catches the lobsters sometime later, he has to throw them back. The amended v-notch law now states that if you catch a lobster that has a bit missing from its tail where a v-notch could have been, you have to throw it back, since it might have been previously v-notched by a fisherman to mark it as an egg-bearing female.
Lobster mom: We're biting for your life.
Lobstermen: What about **our** lives?? You're reducing our income by preventing us from harvesting a lot of legal lobsters!
by QuacksO December 5, 2017
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"Stay trapped in your solipsistic sphere of influence so I can wield the horde at my discretion and influence politicians and public policies even though I'm a charlatan who had a mental breakdown after obfuscating whether or not I believed in God and publicly denied a plea for help and a genius deconstructed my propositional ethic and demonstrated publicly that I'm full of shit" ~ Dr. Jordan Benazir Peterson
Dr. JeepJorp "Fix your own life before doing anything abstract."

Hym "Nothing to fix. The only thing wrong with my life is that I'm not being given the credit I'm due. And that's a matter of other people violating the tenets of THEIR propositional ethic to deny me."
by Hym Iam August 19, 2023
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