Tru lei is defined as a slow person who is always goofy but we’ll always put herself before others plus tru lei would always have your back
You know that girl tru lei who has always stuck beside her friends
by mhmmmwhereyamomat November 23, 2021
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George: “Dude that was retarded”
Pablo: “You’re actually truing
by NarutoLoverXD October 13, 2019
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Vietnamese word for 'cunt' and 'wanker'.
OH NO, My father had to invite that bloody Ma tru quy over to our house UGH D:<
by Kit Rat November 12, 2019
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a group of G's superior to the group "rebels" who are Faggot wanna b's :)
Tru-dawgs including ryan taverner, jordan keel, garret shunahan, dog father
by JORDAN KEEL December 2, 2008
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A gay father that think they cool bit everyone knows he ain't
Me:yo Tru u gay
Tru: u right
by Yeeetshdfjskd February 19, 2019
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A shorter way to write the word true . Sometimes used in a way that makes absolutely no sense because you're too fucking stupid to come up with a proper response (kinda like oof ). If you write true this way, though, you deserve to lose friends in the process, because you're a lazy person and nobody likes you
"Hey man, it's really hot out today."

"I really like the shirt you're wearing!"
by Chiri May 21, 2019
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