A man serving as our vice president from 2000-2004. However, no one knows about him, because he hasn't done anything important for our country!
Dick Cheyney is our V.P.? How would I know that?
by xeroxcopyr May 17, 2004
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To make sure you never with a president.

The reason to not hunt quail while drinking.
"I certainly wouldn't want to hunt quail while drunk! I'd be a real Dick Cheney then!"

"Hey Look! Quail! Come on Dick, Don't point at me! Point at the Qua-", The words spoken by Harry Whittington before waking up in a hospital sometime later with pellet wounds to his face, neck and upper torso. Also had a minor, non-fatal heart attack due to this.
by Tab170 July 11, 2008
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I got myself a dick cheney but its shear mass was too much for me so i down graded to a lighter prince albert
by kanadzki May 26, 2008
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an uncelebrated act of conservative BDSM. Often involving cock rings w/ chains, water boarding, electrocution, choking, and humiliation techniques to achieve its goal. In extreme public examples, puppeteering techniques are employed.

battery powered pumps are requisite to achieve the full effect.
those poor bstrds at gitmo got to experience the dick cheney first hand 0_o
by lewis419wu July 16, 2010
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Awesome bionic VP with a high tech pacemaker in his chest that has the built-in capability to brew his own high quality coffee.

Currently residing in a cave in Afghanistan in his personal pursuit of Osama Bin Laden.
As of this moment Dick Cheney is in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan brewing up some of his own delicious coffee.
by Danny Glover September 27, 2005
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