Sentance used when someone wants to make the person talking to him go away or shut up.
Dude1: Hey did you know the xbox is better than Playstati-
Dude2: Hippity hoppity get off my property
by Im cringy December 15, 2017
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yagi is Angiiee#0001 property on discord

please do not add her
angie you do not own yagi yes i do look on urban dictionary yagi is Angiiee#0001 property
by yagilol January 23, 2022
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It means that when a government body allows a new business to move into an area ,they will often not require the company to pay property taxes for a period of time, often for many years. It's a huge benefit to the government and the business because property tax control limits taxes for some businesses.
by Magnumb,Private Eye September 15, 2022
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Wow I'm definitely being deprived of my property, aren't I? And if it's punitive if violates my right to habeas corpus face my accuser and fair trial.
Hym "There are a bunch of thing like that in the constitution that apply to my thing. Like 'nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation' or 'Shall not be deprived of life, liberty, or property.' My sights are clearly being violated here and the YouTube filth is allowing so they can extort something from me so... Defend my rights or I'll murder a kid. The longer it takes for me to get what belongs to me the less it's going to do to placate me. Do it now. Do it immediately. For your own safety."
by Hym Iam July 7, 2024
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