The guy must begin jerking himself off while the girl counts down as though commanding a NASA launch.
"T minus 10..."

If the craft blows its load prior to the girl reaching the count of zero, she says the phrase, "Houston, we have a problem." The guy must then try again before Nixon calls and mandates a launch reschedule.
Clearly you've never seen a Lunar Launch...
by RelevantRaven February 16, 2021
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I can always tell when Andem has been launching torpedoes. The smell practically takes the paint off the bathroom walls.
by Samuel Francisco April 19, 2017
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When distribution networks are wholly unprepared for the launch of a new product.
We need to ensure that our servers can handle millions of concurrent clients at launch or we might suffer from Sony Launch Syndrome and lose many of our day-one customers.
by xyzentw November 22, 2020
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A powerful catch phrase with the ability to tell everyone in the surrounding area that something amazing is about to happen. When you launch the beast the phrase has to be said to let everyone know that the beast is being launched and this will get everyone watching. Commonly used right before a bungee jump.
Holy shit check out that guy hes about to launch the beast!
by Rambo Jambo June 13, 2010
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is where someone pushes up a girls boob with their elbow
My girlfriends friends brother did the "launch the bow" on her. Im fucking going to kill him!!!!!!!!! X(
by uknownrocker85 January 14, 2012
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Colloquial term in Australian English

1. Any type of informal gathering, involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages, with the overarching goal of becoming drunk
1. to partake in a launch
2. to reach the state of being drunk
(As a 'noun'): "Mate, are you gonna be at the launch this weekend?"
(As a 'verb'):
1: We are gonna be launching this weekend...get ready.
2: I've launched, bro, i can't drink anymore.
by DuTcH DoG August 7, 2022
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