John: Yo I'm gonna go pwn some n00bs lol lol rofl !!!11!!oneoneone!!111!
Luke: Yo you are suffering from a serious Cranial Rectal Inversion
by EllieJewFace September 4, 2007
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1) The state of having one's head up one's lower digestive passage;

2) Invincible arrogance.
All of the candidates for office appeared to suffer from cerebro-anal inversion
by Murdo Douglas October 15, 2011
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A guy will bang a chick somewhat below his league as long as she's willing to give it up immediately with little to no bullshit. The amount of attitude she can have is inversely proportional to her standing on the 1-10 scale.
Jim was still at the bar at 1AM and still hadn't found anyone. It was time to apply the Inverse Hookup Law to that 6 who's been standing in the corner all night.
by REgualtor March 19, 2017
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A person who, like a cam-whore, is constantly taking pictures with a camera. However, unlike a cam-whore, this person is taking pictures, not of themselves, but of random, pointless things, like dirt, feet, et cetera.
I was at the party with Susan last night, GOD was she such an inverse cam-whore. She kept taking pictures of people's DRINKS!
by HORNY FUCKING PANDA August 29, 2011
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When confronted by ninja(s), the individual ninja will be far more powerful than a group of ninjas. To see the effectiveness of a group of ninjas simply use the equation power= 1/n, where n is the number of ninjas
Don't worry about the group of 1,000 ninjas, worry about the single guy, according to The Law of Inverse Ninja Strength
by jamundertoast December 16, 2010
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A chronic condition by which the physical connections between the buttocks and head are reversed, causing fecal material to spew from the mouth. Conventional treatments include wiring the jaws shut or the prompt use of a gag ball.

ACIS is more harmful to those coming in contact with the ACIS person than the ACIS person him/herself. Even casual contact results in looks of disbelief, screaming and the uncontrolable urge to place one's hands over one's ears and yell "Make it stop". Family and friends living with an ACIS patient are advised to wear ear plugs, or in more extreme cases, to drive shiskabob spears through their ears.

Not to be confused with having Head-Up-Assitisis or Asshatoses.
President Bush displayed symptoms of Anal-Cranial Inversion Syndrome at his last interview when he spoke about his legacy.
by radfringe December 14, 2008
Something you would say to your pet owl or someone who wakes up at night before it goes to sleep.
Lark: What a bright and sunny day! Good morning!
Owl: zzzz...
Lark: Oops! Good Night-Inverse!
by GodKILLTHEMALL January 27, 2011
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