A sarcastic way of saying you aren't listening. Used in conjunction with "twat was that" and "cunt hear you".
Twat was that? I cunt hear you. I have a slut ear infucktion. Tits ok, I'll finger it out later.
by Otsego69 March 1, 2016
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A kid that you probably shouldn't cuss around. They need to keep their innocence. Their ears are young because they haven't heard anything "naughty" yet. Like if your friend accidentally says something in front of your younger sibling, you would say " be careful there's young ears"
Hey don't say that. There are some young ears around.
by Notyouraveragebear009 May 11, 2020
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to have been screwed over, to get the fuzzy end of the lollipop, to get a shitty deal
As heard in Iggy Pop's "Lust for Life" "I've had it in the ear before."
Another example: I really had it in the ear last night when I bought a dime bag full of oregano.
by Garfunkel Adison October 21, 2007
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The ability to enjoy, beyond all objective measures, terrible singing and/or music.
"Put your Dutch Ears on, we're going to the Jessica Simpson concert."
by perpetual victim November 16, 2007
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Stretched ears are when a person has stretched their ear lobes to the size that they desire. Stretched ears can go up to 3" and even beyond that sometimes. They are NOT called "gauging/gauges" despite what anyone says, it's called stretching. A gauge is just the measurement. "Stretching" is to "gauging" as "timing" is to "minuting/houring". If you go into forums for the community of modded people online and say "gauges" they will call you a n00b and probably troll you for not knowing shit.

If you don't stretch your lobes properly it will result in a blowout AKA Cat ass, where your ear literally resembles a floppy anus. It's not attractive. Be patient and do it right.
N00b: "guise, I need advice on my gauges.. I just went up 3 sizes in 2 days and my ears are really red and bleeding and sore!

Non-N00b: First of all, it's not gauging, it's stretching/stretched ears. Second of all, take them out of your ears you've obviously had a blowout, and once they heal your ears will resemble an asshole. You never go up 3 sizes in two days you fucking n00b. Don't even try stretching again."
by SomethingDarksided December 21, 2013
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I have an ear worm. I keep hearing the "Jeopardy" tune over and over and over.
by maddogmary October 21, 2003
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