
In Improv, used to describe doing a long form set without any kind of opening to generate ideas, just getting a suggestion and going at it.
"Wow did you see that improv team last night? It was crazy how they just raw dogged their set"
by chumbacabra June 15, 2023
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- “Has he forgotten his shoes?”
“Nah, he’s raw dogging it”

- “Doesn’t the rocky terrain hurt your feet?”
“Nah, I like nasty raw dogs
by Not Tarantino April 15, 2023
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When a male actively engages in unprotected sex
Did you hear that Luis raw dogged that stripper? Damn really? That foos a raw dogger
by Eversince October 6, 2021
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The act of sexually penetrating someone without a form of contraceptive, such as a condom.
Matt: Dude! Jay, I can't believe you raw dogged brooks' mom last night!
by Cappin12 April 15, 2020
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To partake in the practice of sleeping fully clothed on a bed/sofa without sheets or bedding.
“Yo Donnie blacked out and raw-dogged my sofa
by Tig Bitties and skittles July 22, 2021
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