Someone talking on the speaker phone in their car. Most move their hands up and down and head side to side as if the person they are talking to is standing in front of them. Usually oblivious to anyone looking.
Dude #1: Hey, check out the guy next to us.
Dude #2: Wow, is he rocking out to Pantera or something?
Dude #1: No, he's just a "cell phone schizo", probably chatting with his ex.
by flogger up January 13, 2010
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A Virtual "Punch" given or received from a cell phone.
My friend texted me a terrible picture, I think I will send him a "Cell Phone Punch".
Revenge Love Hateful Hug Reply
by (( (OQTIVE) )) August 10, 2011
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A teacher at school who is always telling you to put away your cell phone.
me "Im going to text message my sister"
friend "oh you best put that away, the cell phone nazi is comming"
me "thanks so much friend!! cell phone nazi sucks!"
by Courtney Porter February 9, 2007
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The feeling of a cell phone vibrating in your pocket in the absence of an acutal cell phone vibration. This has also been termed phantom cell phone syndrome.
Frank: "Paul look!! - what are your doing? You're swerving all over the road!"

Paul: "I'm looking for my cell phone - I thought I felt it vibrate. I think it fell out of my pocket somewhere. Help me look!"

Frank: "Look it is in your cup holder and it is not vibrating."

Paul: "Arggh! I keep having these cell phone parathesia attacks. I think it is like phantom limb pain."

Frank: "More like phantom cell phone syndrome. Don't worry she'll return your call."
by 9th Beastie July 6, 2012
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A cell phone that does not have features of a smartphone.
James dropped his ghetto cell phone in the toilet.
by Weedcoke March 10, 2012
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The beast that is the real reason for accidents involving a phone. When the driver of a car is talking on a cell phone the Cell Phone Ogre grabs the car and throws it into another car. Normally masks his appearance in the form of an individual or higher power stopping people from using a phone while driving.
Driver: Ooh! My girlfriend just sent me a text message, I'm gonna check it. Hmm.. she's leaving for the airport now, I think i'll text back saying "have a great trip!" *Driver begins to text*.
Sister: OmG Don'T teXT WhILe dRiVinG!!1one! (Cell Phone Ogre in form of sister)

Kid is following parents to camping grounds on an empty road.
Kid: *calls parents* Hey can we stop and get some food soon? I'm starv...
*Cell Phone Ogre (invisible to everyone) picks up the '73 Metallic Blue Slugbug and throws it into parents' pick-up. Kid dies.*
by Brycipoo August 4, 2007
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Being to cheap to afford a real cell phone, you go to the toy section in Wal-Mart and buy a 2 way walkie talkie.
Pedro, can you hear me? Testing, Testing! Jose I can hear you - our Mexican Cell Phone works!
by Pedro L. December 29, 2007
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