You use your ass as a bucket for sauce (ejaculant)
When i was right in the middle of a three some, i was bucketing
by Bucket Rocket April 10, 2015
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Bucket, a ratchet or wack person who usually wears a bucket hat
"That kid is such a bucket, check out his bucket hat!"
by Bucketgurl June 14, 2014
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The Slang term for a wide set vagina. Where the vagina is droopy and wide.
Boy 1 : Ooh she has a nice pussy
Boy 2 : No she don't she has a bucket you sick fucker!
by Let's Get Excited April 17, 2009
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Gemini’s are hard to understand… I don’t get myself sometimes:) We often put up barriers not allowing people to enter certain areas… our hearts and inner feelings especially. However, when we do let someone in… look out!!! or at least I can say that with regards to him.

I had the barriers up… something about him, one look and they all came crashing down. Things have happened and I have attempted to rebuild, but I can’t. I love him unconditionally, no matter what!

His feelings… depending on what shoulder I listen to… I try to listen to the one that he loves me, the other one says he thinks I am crazy… might be a little truth to that. (Friendly stalkers should be appreciated more j/k) I am really not as bad as it sounds:) Guess what shoulder I am listening to lol?

You are going to love her regardless, right? Not having any feedback to support her loving you definitely makes it more difficult… and of course more painful. BUT if you spend your days dwelling on what you don’t have, you are going to make yourself ill and constantly in a funk. The longer you stay in a funk, the harder it is to get out.
Again what works for me, might not work for you… spreading love and happiness to others helps me… think of you having a basket of love and you are sprinkling it around. The picture in my head is with a tutu, but you can figure out your own wardrobe:) The point is you need to fill your love bucket.

We all have an invisible love bucket. When we do unkind things or unkind things are done to us, a withdrawal is taken from our bucket… you have had a lot of withdrawals recently.However, you do kind things or kind things are done to you, deposits are made. Not sure how much sense this makes. There is actually truth to it…

if you watch people, imagine what their bucket is at? Does someone need a deposit? Might be a little easier being a female, at one of my jobs, I will do this and if I see someone who I think needs a deposit, I will tell them a compliment. You literally can see, for the most part, the deposit enter their bucket…
by Born to love YOU🥰🎵 September 17, 2023
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(v.) to exert and present oneself in a disgusting manner
The admissions counselor cringed as the grungy applicant bucketsed his way through through the interview with no enthusiasm what so ever.
by Arvin Grover January 2, 2008
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Person 1: I forgot to turn off my oven.
Me: You're such a bucket Go home...
Person 1: im a what..
Me: A Bucket!!
by pseudpodiaarecool January 27, 2013
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Something gangsters yell at two emo looking girls sitting in the middle of the street...
Yo, grumbleruuugrrargh...BUCKETS!!

Also see, Waistful youth
by Grrgh January 24, 2008
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