an abbreviation of the word monkey referring to people of African-american ethnicity.
Look at that monk eating all that chicken!
by latin123 February 7, 2011
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The monk is a style of the pubes. I say style, but nobody would choose to have their pubes this way. Imagine a monks head, hairy on the sides. Now imagine that in pants, hair poking here, there and everywhere. Disgusting, I know.
A wise man once said to me, go down a girl (if you don't know her that well) with your mouth; that way you find out if she's on her period without bloody fingers AND you give her a good time.

He is no longer considered a wise man. He lost his mojo, sanity and no longer knows his sexuality. He will never be the same after going down on a monk.
So all you ladies reading this, shave. Never have a monk if you wish to continue populating the earth, no guy likes a MONK ever.
At this reallly popping party:
Guy: Hey baby, you looking fiiiiiiiiiiine tonight
Kazakh: Oh hey, I like your hair
Guy: Wanna go upstairs for a fumble?
Kazakh: Okay baby
*Go upstairs*
Guy: *singing and working his way down the girl* what you gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your AHHH MONKKKKKKKKKKKK!? *runs away whimpering like a puppy*
Kazakh: I was going to get you love drunk :/
by thebravewarrior February 28, 2011
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The nice, old lady that gives candy to little kids at the back of the local hardware store.
Hey Dustin, lets go see if Monk has some candy for us!
by Iamsiam23xc September 12, 2007
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to be pissed with sum1
he's got the monk on wit her
by lulu May 14, 2003
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by mouseaddict October 21, 2021
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Used to be human but wanted to be Monke
by LandTheBEst245 December 15, 2020
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The theft of lawn gnomes, lawn decorations and seasonal decorations.
"Lets go monking"
"I went monking last night"
"I monked a lawn gnome last night"
by Jon Pedersen November 10, 2006
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