So high or tired you can't feel your body and are generally incoherent yet not really uncomfortable

Similar to geeked or zooted
Person 1: yo bro how you been

Person 2: shitt I'm zoinked outta my mind rn
by Dangdogs May 23, 2022
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when you just get completely fucked up, like just fucking wasted bro, straight up xanned.
Bro, did you see Jaiden at the party?
Nah, but I heard he was fuckin zoinked out of his mind he fucked the teacher thinking it was his step mom.
by WHYARES November 24, 2020
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when you're so fucked up out of your mind you think your teacher is your step mom and you fuck them. but in reality they were your sister and now you're running from the law because you fucked your sister. but you ran to fucking Alabama where its legal to fuck your sister so the law can't apprehend you. now you're living in alabama where you wrestle alligators for a living. yeah, this life, all because you wanted to get zoinked.
Bro, how zoinked are you?

Bro, i fucked my mom, im so zoinked.
by WHYARES November 24, 2020
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The act of being fundamentally high, that you teleport into the nether and ride the nether dragon or whatever and just green the fuck out. P.S i'm fucking zoinked rn.
"Dude, I am so zoinked right now, I'm in the fucking nether."
by PAPA FRITO November 24, 2020
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Zoinked A word in which it describes an over the top high. A song has been made depicting how it feels when you are "Zoinked." People who are with the shits are a familiar with this word as it's the low key type word.
Me: Hey yo guys I think Eric is zoinked.

Eric: I can smell colors and dab people up through windows.
by lelandSmith October 27, 2018
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Bobby got zoinked out of his mind last night
by ____no June 20, 2018
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