Metaphorical term for parents who overprotect their children. Everything is too dangerous for them, their children aren't allowed to participate in active sports or outdoor activities at all.
Camp Manager: You may want to have a word with Mdm. Lee, she checks on her son every 2 hours and that's against camp policy.
Camp Counsellor: Oh him.He's got cotton wool parents. I've had enough of those.
Camp Manager: Short of banning her from the campsite, is there anything else we could do?
by bbbobbb March 25, 2007
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Monk's Wool Threads are the individual, long, stringy, wooly Pubes of a male with Monk's Wool. Monk's Wool Threads are intentionally pulled and plucked out while the male is using the restroom (Urinating or Defecating). The Pubes are removed intentionally and then left behind on the top of the Urinal or on the Toilet Seat or Toilet Rim for others to see and enjoy.
Frank always made it a point to visit public restrooms when he was out and about town. His favorite past time was to share his Monk's Wool with others and doing a little leave behind each time he used a facility. Frank was especially fond of leaving his four inch long, slightly curled Monk's Wool Threads on top of the Urinal.
by Eaton Holgoode April 24, 2014
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A Woolen Wank Glove is a knitted accessory used to wank with........

If used too much however the Woolen Wank Glove may become bobbled and itchy (and at this point ask your partner to get their 'de-bobbler' out from under the stairs)
If your outside in the cold and the moment arises, use your Wank Wool Glove and bosh away.
by rallly ali January 26, 2011
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The act of someone jacking you off, usually used as a way to offend someone. can be used in the manner of "your mom" (randomly)
Johnny: "hey can you do my homework later?"
Tom: "How about you scrub my wool"
Johnny: "Umm?..."
Everyone else "Hahahah!!!"
by Kale19 October 16, 2010
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A method of removing the nasty ass taint from a whore that she leaves on your genitals
BRO # 1 :Becareful if you tap that Karen bitch, she'll give you something you can't scrape off with Ajax and Steel Wool!!!
by Auz February 15, 2008
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Slang terminology for a tampon or can be used to describe a female during menstration.
by volpoid September 25, 2006
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