When you shake a girls head furiously on your dick or while she's sucking it
J: Yo, did you shake her noggin last night
D: Hell yeah
J: Damnn could she breath
by alwaysWright June 30, 2017
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A stupendous feat of human achievement, especially involving two blows to the head of an adversary
"Woah, double bifters on the noggin" - after a particularly deft move at 2am in the morning where Sonic dispatches two adversaries by bouncing from one head to the other
by Chris, Chris, Andy June 29, 2008
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a phrase that has its history in a very very stoned day in da boro, tennessee.

it means "giving me oral sex"
I was completely baked, and getting head. I didnt really think about what I was saying, and uttered the following "Dude, shes totally goggin on my noggin".
by jason July 4, 2004
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A friendly and light-hearted way of asking 'What's on your mind?'

usually used in a conversation between close friends, not really the kind of thing you'd say to you're boss or a man of the cloth.
Dobby: What's a-bobbin in your noggin?
Harry: Voldemort :)
by NomNomPotashMcBobbinson May 13, 2011
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Scottish idiom, something that really stirs your wheel, grinds your gear, rustles your willies. Basically is fucking annoying and unsettling. Noggin is the slang for head alas the person is jogging with your brains, painting a very descriptive and self explanatory picture.
Politic debates that lead to no avail Gets my noggin jogging.
by ℒund Von Pennylicker May 27, 2019
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