The good looking, (recently cut) black haired, made up and very talented lead singer of My Chemical Romance, that band that everyone hated when I went to see them in concert 3 months before. Had a hit single "I'm not Okay" and thats usually what people remember about him singing. He allegedly wrote the second album in an attic naked. Yes I was right at the front seeing him live and I think all people who claim to be his biggest fan but own only his new album should check him out singing vampires will never hurt you!
In the middle of a gun fight...
In the center of a restaurant...
They say, "Come with your arms raised high!"
Well, they're never gonna get me,
And like a bullet through a flock of doves...
To wage this war against your faith in me,
Your life...will never be the same.
On your mother's eyes, say a prayer...say a prayer!
by Stephanie Dawn July 31, 2005
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Gerard Way is the lead vocalist and frontman for My Chemical Romance, the Post Hardcore(not emo, not punk, not pop) band that was formed in 2001 after the World Trade Center attacks. I, personnally, think the band is okay. ONLY okay. HOWEVER... all the lame-asses who say stuff like, "Gerard is the worst singer ever, get a life you freak" have no lives themselves if they waste their time telling people about bands they hate. ON THE OTHER HAND... all the "teeniebopping bitches" who say stuff like, "Oh my god, i want to fuck/rape/orally please Gerard, he is sooooo freakin' hott n sexi" is just as bad. They should stop and think. Do you honestly believe that this 20-something dude with a girlfriend really enjoys reading that thousands of 14 year old girls want to fuck him? If anything, it will cause him to stop making music in an attempt to exit the spotlight. SOOOOO... people who fall into either category shold get lives and stop ratting on/complicating his. Thank you.

PS-Gerard is not gay/bi. He kisses other bandmates, but if you look into it, this is not an uncommon thing for many hardcore/metal bands to do. He's also had a long term relationship with his girlfriend Olivia. See? I did my homework
Get a life, no-one likes you, go back to new jersey you fag!!!

Oooooooooohhhhhhh mah god, ur my god!! I wanna put on a dildo and screw you up the ass!
by TheRegulator June 11, 2005
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Gerard Arthur Way, born April 9th 1977 (yeah, you missed his birthday) is the lead singer and frontman of popular post-hardcore band My Chemical Romance. Prior to forming the band in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in New York, he was a comic book artist and to this day his bedroom in his parents house is full of drawings and sketches.
Gerard writes (I think) all of the bands lyrics - his favourite lyric so far is "How wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying" from Our Lady Of Sorrows. He has a beautiful voice and puts on an amazing live show (so I've heard). Their recent DVD, Life On The Murder Scene, has been a big sucess, and both of their albums have recieved high praise from reviewers like Kerrang! and NME. Gerard has been known to ocassionaly make out with his fellow band-mates, inclusing his brother Mikey Way, who plays bass, but despite popular debate Gerard is not gay or bisexual. I think - I'm not sure if this has been confirmed or not, but he has had several girlfriends in the past.
At the moment the band are taking a break from touring but are in the midst of preparing their third album.
And for all the dickwaads out there that think Gerard is gay because he has long hair and wears make-up....stfu. He has said himself that the make-up is specifically for the Revenge tour and that they're going to tone it down for the next album. In fact, in a lot of publicity shots Gerard isn't even wearing make-up, or at least very little of it. So therrree.
Nicknames include: Gee. Not sure of anymore, though internet losers like to call him 'Fag' and 'Gerard Gay' alot.
"If for one minute you think you're better than a sixteen year old girl in a Green Day t-shirt, you are sorely mistaken. Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn't know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. Someone finally understood you. This is what music is about."
- Gerard Way
by ILikeTablezz April 14, 2006
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he's a fucking god to thousands, including me. and anyone who posts anthing to the contrary, just be aware that i would gladly hunt you down, rip out your eyeballs and sew your testicles into their sockets before torturing you with a switchblade and force feeding you pieces of your own diseased anatomy. you know who you are, bitches. now get the fuck off and go masturbate to balamory.
i can't use names but if i could.. those fucks who diss gerard way are about to receive some disturbing news..
by Headfirst For Halos November 20, 2005
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Amazing lead singer and front man for My Chemical Romance. Would just like to say that as much as some people like to say - this band is not 'emo'! They are rock. He has even been quoted on this! "violent/scary/truth/rock" that is how this very talented man describes his own band - so please stop calling them 'emo'! And all you teeny boppers that claim to be their "biggest fan ever" and go on and on about how you would love to fuck him etc. you may actually need to have more than just their recently released album - "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge". As much as i agree that Gerard is basically sex on legs - i was a fan of this 'band' before they released their second album and before he got that new haircut and i really dont think he would appreciate all the dirty talk about him - and neither would his long time girlfriend!
Dont love this man and the band just because they are being called the band to watch and you think he is soooooo sexy! Gerard Way is an amazing artist and is part of a brilliant band and deserves love and respect - not teeny boppers that join the latest craze!
by "disappointed reader" September 10, 2005
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I'm sick of all you people who only like Gerard because of his incredibly good looks. Sure, he has good looks, but he also had an incredable voice and amazing cartoon skills. All of the album art was done by Gerard and he's amazing. All of you preppy wanna be "punk", "goth", or "emo" girls don't know that Gerard classifies they're music as "death rock" and says that they are not emo, goth, or punk. So, get off the fact that he's so hot, or that any of them are so hot and listen to something besides "helena" "I'm not okay" and "the ghost of you". Yes, they are good songs, but listen to some of their older stuff too. AND STOP BEING POSERS!
Prep poser: OMG Gerard Way's so hot, the first time I saw them on MTV, I thought he was so hot, so I started listening to them!!!

Me: ...I liked their music before I saw them...

Emo wanna be: Yeah, Gerard shares my pain.

me: K, totally not what I was talking about. I like their lyrics, dipshit, they're a good band.

cool kid: Yeah, losers, try listening to their lyrics and stop drooling over them. Losers

((Me and cool kid walk away, laughing AT not WITH the losers))
by Samantha W-B September 18, 2005
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