A clueless moron who raped a woman named Jennifer Flowers, but is never called on it because his liberal buddies will defend him to the death. Also, a person who is willing to lie in court, under oath, with no remorse.
Bob pulled a Bill Clinton at the trial the other day. You know he's lying...
by Saddie Flavington July 31, 2006
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A pretend moderate who uses his status as an alleged moderate to advance his extreme leftwing and extreme rightwing insanity and evil.

A megalomaniacal,bi-polar,schizophrenic antichrist!
by sick assholes February 14, 2005
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1.man who can bomb the counrty of Iraq twice in 4 years and place 125,00 troops in the Gulf area and declare no act of war.
2.man who betrayed his country and likes mcdonalds french fries but doesnt inhale pot.
3.tricky bastard.
God damn I wish I hadnt voted for Bill Clinton.
by Jim Ignatauski August 4, 2005
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a dumb ass who only thinks about sex.
clinton is old guy that didnt do shit for his country.
by baka_kuso_yarou December 9, 2004
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a.k.a. "Bubba-Bo-Bob-Brain"
Bubba-Bo-Bob-Brain sings: "You will call me your leader,I'll be King of the world"
by How Spielberg-ian October 24, 2004
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A penis without a spine. While America's enemies plotted against her, Bill Clinton philandered. A dishonest and cowardly man who wouldnt know the truth if it bit him on the ass. When the islamo-nazis attacked American interests over-seas Clinton reacted by bombing an asprin factory. A president who was only elected because of Ross Perot, and whose 'great economy' was based on the fantasy of the 'dot-coms' and fradulent accounting policies of US firms. The tragic Clinton presidency was a direct cause of Sept 11th 2001. Also, he has a thing for ugly women - dykezilla (his wife), Monica Lewinski, Paula Jones and Babs
Bill Clinton: I tried to get Osama and failed!

Thinking person whose mind is not full of left-wing conspiricy bullshit: Aw Horseshit!
by Big Fat Daddy October 9, 2007
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