When you have too many delicious and savory Twisted Teas and your belly starts to hurt. At its worst, Stage 4 Tea Belly is known to force grown men into a fetal position for up to 4 hours.
Jake: That lil grom Isaac has been huddled in the corner wimpering for hours. How pathetic!

Skeeter: Well, he did have like 13 Twisted Teas this afternoon.
Jake: Sounds like a classic case of Tea Belly. Maybe even Stage 4.
Skeeter: Probably. Still pathetic though!
by Dr. Grommer, MD October 7, 2023
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When you are receiving a hand shandy and eating a meat ball marinara sandwich at the same time
Damn dawg, that hooker from last night gave me the best Pot Bellie and I got marinara sauce all over my new khakis!
by Big Ole D June 12, 2012
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A belly dancer is what mfs named Christian, harry or Kyle and they shake their body vigorously.
Harry: I'm a belly dancer
Christian: Same here
Kyle: Me too!!
by ImTwisTy January 20, 2022
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When an individual feels invalidated after being vulnerable with someone else. IE; A cat showing its belly in a stance of vulnerability, only to have its belly smacked.
“I was really vulnerable last night with Kevin when I told him I liked him, but he totally smacked my belly!”
by kate_crow September 4, 2020
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When your uncle empties a packet of sugar into your belly button and blowa raspberries.
"Come here and let me give you a sugar belly"
by Mel990005 April 3, 2021
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