Being so savagely tricked that you can't believe what just happened. (i.e. A teacher telling you don't need to worry about an exam and then giving you the most difficult test you've ever taken)
Guy #1 - Nancy asked for my number. I I thought we were going to go out, but she just pinned it in the girl's bathroom with a "Text me for period advice" sign.
Guy #2 - Damn bro, spicy fake-out
by @MissTake September 21, 2020
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when girls suddenly start to crave indians
John: Karena Goulmama is smoking
Sai: Dude I think you have spicy fever
by evanemerson123 December 19, 2016
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A spicy meat stick is a synonym for a penis with an STD.
Ugh, I went on a date last week and I was gonna go down on him in the bathroom until I saw he had a Spicy Meat Stick!!
by GoldenDaddIe June 17, 2017
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You say Spicy ˝target˝ when you see the main target of your spy mission. You replace ˝target˝ with the targets name (for exsample if the targets name is Sam you would say ˝Spicy Sam˝)
(Spicy ˝target˝ will be named Sam again)
spy1: Look Spicy Sam
spy2: Oh there he is
spy1: Yeah we should hide
by Gobice February 28, 2022
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Man, my taco got cold.

- Dude ,just put some of that spicy salsa on it.
by Muddy Boots April 17, 2020
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1. To give off a very sharp and pungent smelling fart, reminiscent of a regrettable night of pseudo-Mexican food.

2. To smoke a bowl or other form of cannabis, usually mixed with tobacco, or "batch."

3. To fire a gun, used in ghetto slang among street gangs.

4. to have been able to procure sexual favours from a fertile female counterpart who consents to your seemingly suave yet secretly staged "confident" advances.
See above, and I am sure you can think of plenty of examples for each! To cut a spicy- a multi-usable phrase that will become a staple in ghetto-fabulous "English." (what has become of our beautiful languge ;(

to cut a spicy
by n0o8o0n June 23, 2011
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