an intensely sexy human being who the ladies all want to get with and the guys are all jealous of cuz he gets so much play.
He was given the title of Big Natti because he was gettin with so many chicks that the girls all wanted him and the guys all wanted to be him.
by Anonymous March 13, 2003
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meewoooww rawr humana humana humana awoooogaaaa :3
i want big daddy stelmach to plow my feilds if u catch my drift :33
by luka farteira March 24, 2023
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Someone who is Chinese and extraordinarily clever and or waaa-ish. Also may be used to refer to smeone who beats Clamp at every trial. WEEEEEEEYYYYYY!
Big Philll smashed Clamp!

Big Philll destroyed Clamp!

Big Philll anihilated Clamp!
by olivier van der clamp June 25, 2009
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A segue way, a lead-in sentence prefix that immediately precedes an jest, insult or epithet when playing "the dozens". Prefacing an insult or epithet with "you big", suggests that the target of the insult is the ultimate expression of said insult. In some cases, the insult that begins with "You big"....ends with "looking MF" or something similar.
You big....your mother is so poor, she eats chicken one day, then licks her fingers, the next...

You big....your mother is so poor, she eats chicken one day, then licks her fingers, the next... looking MF!
You big Jolly Green Giant looking MF!
by DarqMage May 1, 2021
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a nigga/bitch you’ll never be but only can imagine to be one day 😹
“im tryna get like big tubba brudamn you can only imagine
by luv4marij June 17, 2023
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